Friday, September 30, 2011

Good things come to those who are forced to wait

Remember this post?  The Pottery Barn catalog girl told me to check in August, so for the last two months, I have checked every. single. day.

Well, last night it became available so first thing this morning, I went by the store to order it!  It won't ship until sometime in February but that's fine.  I have one coming to me and that's all that matters.  I'm so excited!  I'm going to use it in the office to organize/display all of my note cards.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We went to Coppercreek this week to see what's been going on since last time and I have to say, not much is happening in that part of our world.

I like this guy's marketing plan....just find what appears to be a building site and nail your card to a tree on the property.  If we hadn't almost narrowed down our list of potential builders, we might have been interested.

The first day we ever worked at Coppercreek, I came prepared to kill some snakes.  I brought a BB gun, a .22, and a hoe.  But we didn't see one single snake!  Not one!!  I can't tell you how disappointed I was.   Well, this week Brad moved a piece of wood and there was our first snake.  At first we thought he was already dead since he just laid there for pictures.  But Brad got him stirred up and he started moving. Fast!

Wouldn't you know we were up there with ZERO weapons this time so Brad had to kill him with a rock.  This guy was every bit the size of a #2 pencil so I can only imagine what would have happened if he had gotten away.  He was a Ringneck snake and we learned online afterwards that he is harmless to humans and likes to kill other snakes.  He and his family are probably the reason we haven't seen any other snakes around.   On the other hand, have you ever noticed that "they" always say a certain snake kills other snakes?  Herpetologists would probably say that about a King Cobra just so we'd be fooled and think they're good to have around.

And just for the record, I do know that it is illegal to kill snakes in AR but this one did pose a reasonable threat to humans, so that makes it legal.  

If you were to ask Brad what he likes most about Coppercreek, I believe he would say it's the deer that made these tracks.  It had rained on Sunday so there were tracks everywhere in the soft dirt.  We even saw a few deer while we were walking toward the back of the property but I didn't have my camera with me then.  Always prepared, that's us!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Jackpot

We went to the Pottery Barn outlet yesterday and got some of the best bargains we've ever gotten!

I knew I wanted a king size bed for the big guest bedroom but didn't really know what I wanted. I had thought about an iron bed because I don't want wood.  I didn't even have a bed on my mind when we decided to go but Brad found the Mendocino king size stuck way in the back for an AWESOME price.  We both really liked it and the price was even better.  We got it for 80% off and it is in perfect condition.

The online description is "An heirloom-quality piece that can be passed on from 
generation to generation, the Mendocino bed is constructed completely by hand."  Sounds good to me!

One thing I did have on my mind was the Calais chair that I mentioned in this post.  On my second walk through, I saw it!  It was also in perfect condition and I got it for right at 83% off!!!  

We were in the car which really doesn't have room for anything, but we shoved it in the back seat and it was fine.

I also got a white coverlet for our bed for pretty cheap and some cute Halloween plates, along with a lot of other stuff that isn't even worth mentioning but we had to have.  It was definitely worth the drive over there.  And the drive back to pick up the bed! (If I'm being honest, I would say it almost wasn't worth the drive back!)  It feels good to mark some things off the list of needs especially when we spent a fraction of what we budgeted for.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Razorback painting

I had seen the painting below on IO Metro's website and really liked it so we went to the store today to look around and I thought I'd see if they had it.  I couldn't find it (but found other things I liked!) so I asked about it.
Turns out they are taking orders right now for 50 of these that they have been promised by the artist (who is from Fayetteville) and there were 20 left!  So we ordered one.  It is 48"x 36" and a really good price for that size.  I think it will look good in a couple places but will more than likely end up in the basement.