Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Homeplace

Our new land in Mountain Home!

Above is the area we think the front of the house will be.

We bought two lots in the development because we wanted Lot #10 but it was really oddly shaped and we couldn't see how we could live on it without having Lot #9 to go with it.  It worked out perfect because we want to put the house almost right on the property line of the two lots.  We have right at 8 acres total.  
This is looking out toward the road from the same spot as the photo above.

We closed on the land on a Friday in early June and started work that very weekend trying to clear enough trees and under brush to be able to see the creek from the area we want the house to sit.  It was HOT that weekend to say the least and we were a mess each evening at quitting time!  BUT we accomplished our goal and were darn proud of ourselves for it!  We both actually enjoyed it.  Brad got to use his new chainsaw and I stayed busy with my loppers.  
The creek was the clincher for us (Hicks Creek).  We both wanted live water on the property but this is much better than we hoped for!

Before we left Mountain Home to go back to Little Rock that weekend, we just sat on the rocks looking at and listening to our creek!  We have BIG plans for this place!
I've made it no secret that I wanted to stay in Little Rock but I think I'm gonna like it here!!!

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