Sunday, July 3, 2011


We got a driveway and had the building site cleared on Friday.

The guy doing the work already had most of the driveway done by the time we got there that morning.  

YAY!  A driveway that we can actually take my car down!!

We love the way it goes between the trees!
Brad and I cleaned out all the brush around the big trees later that afternoon.  It looks so much better.
It was neat to watch him push over the big trees.  It was kind of sad too....I had to keep reminding myself that there are plenty of trees out there so losing a few is no big deal.
This is looking at the area we plan on putting the house.  

It's nice to see progress! While we were there we met one of our new neighbors.  He was very nice and told us that everyone living out there is retired!  So it sounds like poor Brad will be the only guy on the street who has a job. =)

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